Spirit Quest

Seeking Veracity




Using Excel to Study "Regional Memory" (8/20/11)

For a long time, I've thought about dreams and why they seem so strange.  Later, my explorations  arrived at the idea that information is stored in many places in the brain and related to a lot of different concepts already stored there.  Perhaps a reason for a dream's strangeness is that they seem to have some logic to them but most of the time, there's a lot of non-sense going on.  You know . . . the identity being known but then the subject person "morphs" into another person . . . or animal or something else for no apparent reason.   A situation is presented but then I find that the next thing that happens doesn't seem to be connected logically.  My theory has been, and still is, that our memories are not stored hierarchically like a telephone book or a dictionary.  They are stored like a relational database used by computers.  And . . . they are stored redundantly throughout most of the brain.  I might think of an octopus and store it with my concept of the color, red . . . since when they get mad, they turn red.  Maybe the creature is stored next to my concept of angry, or maybe next to suction . . . or gushy . . . or seawater . . . or ocean . . . or many other concepts.  Well, there's no maybe about it.  The octopus is stored all of those places and countless more.  Well, that's just one little example of how I think it works.  There are numerous other examples to think about also.

Recently, I was reading a short piece titled, "The Holographic Universe", sent to me by a friend who obtained it from  http://omega432.com.  After a discussion of holography, it relates those principles to the universe and the human brain.  The writer coins a new term as, "The Holographic Paradigm" which postulates that all things that we perceive are simply projections of a hologram . . . an illusion . . . . sourced from an entity or location for which we have no knowledge or much hope of ever understanding.  Further, each bit if information is not alone, but somehow connected with the whole, like a sector of a hologram.  Some theoretical physicists are actively probing the ideas that have come out to date.  The article goes on to discuss how information stored in the brain is distributed all through the grey matter . . . not just in one place.  This precisely supports what I have thought for years, and consistent with the little "red octopus" example above.

Some years ago I was playing with this idea and decided to see if I could make a little simplistic model to simulate the principle and study how information input and output might appear if stored in a relational fashion.  So if you click right here on, "Excel Regional Memory", you can input word concepts and quickly and  see how a concept might lead to altered ideas that might explain why our dreams can deviate into big surprises that may, or may not make sense.  Notice that the top related concept is big and then all of the related ones get smaller as they each relate to previously related, and perhaps subordinate concepts.  I guess this list is kind of hierarchical, eh?

See the 14 attributes of the "Mind Model" and the diagram at the bottom of the page,   When asleep or unconscious, the operator is "parked" in a region where much of this "holistic type" information exists.  Because navigation is not possible, only regional information, relationally stored, is available.  The operator does what it can with the regional resources, and this is why dreams can be a little strange and illogical.

Fred Arbogast

Angels Camp, California


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