Spirit Quest |
Seeking Veracity |
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So, supposing the spirit has the ability to evaluate and apply knowledge received from human perception and storage, and as this ability is perfected, we say the spirit gains wisdom. Perhaps the spirit has the ability to retain, "remember" and accumulate this wisdom. But knowledge is not retained in any appreciable quantity. What other things might characterize the spirit? What might be some other properties? Well, the body or senses "feel" things like light, sound, taste, touch, scents . . . . . . . all tangible parcels of information. Something in a human being reacts to this knowledge which is received and stored . . . . . . . And these reactions are: Emotions – Passions – Feelings "These nouns refer to non-intellectual, or subjective, human response. "Feeling" and "Emotion" are often interchangeable in this sense. "Emotion", however, is frequently considered the stronger term, especially appropriate to such response marked by excitement or agitation. "Passion", in its broadest sense, is intense, compelling emotion." (A dictionary comment listed under "feeling") Of course, these are not the only possible reactions! We have not considered the intellectual, rational, objective responses. These reactions are a result of calm, cool, calculating reason. Now, "reason", or the ability to reason, to discriminate, to decide must be a spiritual property. However, this is not manifest without efficient access to a knowledge source. Remember, the intellect is a composite entity . . . . . . . . reasonability plus knowledge perception and storage. But what about these, seemingly irrational, subjective conditions, or processes, or whatever Emotion, Passion and Feeling really are? We know they exist and are real. Well . . . . . . . . It's definition time! · Emotion – "Agitation of the passions, or sensibilities often involving physiological changes. Any strong feeling, as of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate or love, arising subjectively rather than through conscious mental effort? · Passion – "Any powerful emotion or appetite, such as love, joy, hatred, anger, or greed. · Feeling – "Any affective state of consciousness, such as that resulting from emotions, sentiments, or desires." Well – what does all this mean" Dictionaries use "weasel words" and people use and misuse the words of interest to us here! I think it is important to try and clarify the definitions. On first analysis, it appeared that "feeling" was the result of "spiritual perception" . . . . . the resulting "state of mind" or "state of spirit". And this feeling is a result of a subjective conclusion made by the spirit. This means a conclusion formed from "within" and formed involuntarily and not deliberately. In other words one has no choice. Whether a feeling "comes over" a person is not a function of the desire of that person . . . . . . it just comes and is totally free from control. Of course the feeling's manifestation is quite controllable, but the feeling is there regardless of whether it "shows". Now, "Emotion" is interesting. The definition (1st) indicated that Emotion was the agitation of the passions. Note . . . . it is the agitation and not the feeling or the passion. The Latin predecessors of the word, "Emotion", mean, to move out, to stir up, to excite!!! Passion appeared to be something that is "stirred up" and the direct cause of a spiritual feeling and result of an "emotion". Well . . . . . then, I find that all three words are used interchangeably . . . . as synonyms for distinct conditions, such as Love, Hate, etc. So if we try and construct this process, we have something like the following: |
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It's not clear yet, but we are making progress! Let's look at the definitions of some different kinds of feelings; 1. Fear – "A feeling of alarm or disquiet caused by the expectation of danger, pain, disaster, or the like; terror, dread, apprehension" Synonyms: fright, dread, terror, horror, panic, alarm, dismay, consternation, trepidation. 2. Love – "An intense affectionate concern for another person" Synonyms: affection, devotion, fondness, infatuation. 3. Hate – "To loathe; detest." (n. animosity, hatred) 4. Sorrow – "Mental anguish or suffering because of injury or loss; sadness" 5. Joy – "A condition of feeling of high pleasure or delight; happiness; gladness" 6. Hope – "A wish or desire supported by some confidence of its fulfillment;" 7. Despair – "Utter lack of hope" 8. Shame – "A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace." 9. Pride – "A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self respect; Pleasure or satisfaction taken in one's work, achievements, or possessions." 10. Envy – "A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by contemplation of another's desirable possessions or qualities, with a strong desire to have them for oneself." 11/6/77 11. Jealousy – "An attitude of being fearful or wary of being supplanted, or apprehensive of loss of position or affection especially toward (to) a rival." 12. Desire – "A wish, longing, or craving." 13. Greed – "A rapacious desire for more than one needs or deserves, as of food, wealth, or power. Avarice." 14. Frustration – "The condition caused by being prevented from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire." 15. Confusion – "Disorder; jumble; Distraction; Bewilderment; An early stage of psychosis involving mental and emotional disturbances." 16. Apprehension – "A fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future; dread." 17. Indifference – "The state of having no marked feeling for one way or the other; not liking or disliking." 18. Empathy – "The attribution of feelings aroused by an object in nature or art to the object in self, as one speaks of a painting full of love." 19. Sympathy – "A feeling or expression of pity or sorrow for the distress of another; compassion; commiseration." 20. Embarrassment – "The state of feeling self-conscious, or ill at ease; disconcerted." Note, I think this word should also reflect the feeling that occurs when one's secrets or weaknesses or frailties or privacies are inadvertently put on display for the scrutiny of others! 21. Depression – "Despondency; melancholy; dejection; The psychological condition characterized by the inability to respond to all or selected stimuli, by low initiative, and by sullen or despondent attitudes." 22. Respect – "A feeling of deferential regard; honor; esteem." 23. Satisfaction – "The fulfillment or gratification of a desire, need, or appetite; The pleasure derived there from." 24. Reverence – "A feeling of profound awe and respect and often of love; veneration."Synonyms for the verb, revere; worship, venerate, adore, sanctify, idolize, 'idolatrize'. These terms imply the deepest respect and esteem for a person, an object, or a deity. 25. Pity – "Sorrow or grief aroused by the misfortune of another; compassion for suffering. "Synonyms – compassion, commiseration, sympathy, condolence, empathy. These words are for grief or concern felt for someone in misfortune. 26. Security – "Freedom from risk or danger; safety. Freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence." 27. Repugnance – "The state of feeling extreme dislike or aversion; Being offensive, distasteful and repulsive." 11/25/77 28. Pleasure – "An enjoyable sensation or emotion; satisfaction; delight." Synonyms – enjoyment, delight, joy 29. Affection – "A fond or tender feeling toward another." 30. Concern – "Regard for or interest in someone or something." 31. Anxiety – "A state of uneasiness and distress about future uncertainties; apprehension; worry." Synonyms – worry, care, concern, solicitude. These nouns express troubled states of mind. 32. Hatred – "Violent dislike or animosity; abhorrence" 33. Solicitude – "The state of being anxious and concerned, care, concern, attentiveness." 34. Animosity – "Bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred." 35. Enmity – "Deep-seated hatred, as between rivals or opponents; antagonism" Synonyms – hostility, antagonism, animosity, rancor,. These nouns refer to the feeling or expression of ill will. |