It is clear, however, that something has
distinguished the humans apart from the rest of the animal world.
Whether there was a step change in human behavior or whether
it evolved is sort of academic even though it is an interesting side
issue. Humans have a
distinctly binary nature that is man is governed by beats resonating
from two drums . . . . . . Not one!
He’s a real Jekel and Hyde.
While man spends time administering to the ingenious machine,
intangible, but formidable forces, such as, love, and consideration
for others also motivate him. Love
and Consideration??? These
words are not in Mother Nature’s dictionary!
But I think they are properties of the spirit.
Could it be that “good” is associated with spirit and
“evil” is related to physical nature?
It’s interesting then, that what is good for perceivable
nature is not necessarily good for the spirit and visa versa. . . .
. . . Quite a conflict. Of
course, it is much more complicated than this.
One little paradox is that while the spirit, let’s say has
high principles, it has an interest in the survival of the human
body. So then, will the
spirit adulterate it’s principles to help the body to survive,
thus enabling it to continue its relationship with that particular
body? If survival is a
property of the spirit, yes, if not, no. |