Lafayette Grammar School Origins
See the Write Up (but scroll down after you go there. See the 1946 photo of Lafayette too.) |
This is the Lafayette Grammar School, circa 1900. Notice the bell tower . . . kind of familiar, eh? |
The third school house became the nucleus of the present Methodist Church in 1941. Although other additions and renovations have been made to the modern Methodist Church on Moraga Road, the original old school structure and its belfry are easily identifiable. Some of us went to MYF there in the 1950s. |
Here's a 1946 photo of the part of Lafayette in which I grew up. Lafayette Grammar School, the Town Hall, and Hamlin Road is there but my house was not built until 1949. You can see the Grammar School, the play yard with the softball bleachers there, the Sacramento Northern Loop and the "Cut" where me and Butch and Bruce and Jackie used to throw rocks across the train when it came roaring through the "Cut" blowing its loud horn. The Methodist church is close to where Moraga Blvd abuts Moraga Road but the trees are in the way. On Moraga Road close to where Hamlin Road comes in, notice Jeri Lee Jefferies' square house surrounding an open court yard. Click on the picture to enlarge. |